Google Panda Became The Part Of The Latest Core Ranking Algorithm 2016

Google Panda is not โ€˜Kung-fu Pandaโ€™ but it is Dancing Panda! Everyone is โ€˜dancingโ€™ with its rhythm and update when it comes for entertain us! Soundโ€™s nuts yeah!! Webmasters and SEOs around the world know what exactly happens when Google panda release any update.

Google Panda was designed to kick out โ€˜low quality contentโ€™, duplicate content and focus only on organic content. Google Panda return good quality content web pages near to the top ranking search results.

In short, it is all about quality content, it will encourage good content writers and SEO Services provider who focus on giving good quality information about product and service rather than just attracting traffic on web pages.

From the online communities over internet, what we all come to know that Google Panda has become the part of the core ranking algorithm.

Google Panda is core ranking signal. It is not real time.
But Gary Illyes from Google confirmed that while the changes are Core and these specific fluctuation we have been seeing are not from Google Panda. He tweets as unders, @jenstar โ€ฆ

Google Panda has merged with core ranging algorithm it means quality of content are more important than ever.

After all, Content is the KinG!

Guys keep doing quality work and post good quality content as great Google Panda is watching you.