Project Review
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To sustain any project predictively, ensuring the core triangles of scope, time, and budget remain managed, it’s essential to look beyond mere numbers. Unlike others, we prioritize holistic evaluation.
Our review aims to gauge “Completeness” and overall Experience. This involves engaging key stakeholders driving the project, alongside neutral, experienced members from diverse teams. Their insights help elevate project outcomes to higher satisfaction levels.
Collaboration ⇒ Lot of Feedback
Breaking Bad
What client thinks?
- Start is too slow
- Miscommunication
- My team is too inexperienced!
- Indecisive Milestones
- Dissatisfaction
- Nobody cares!
What’s the reality?
- Lack of 100% understanding
- Knowing only a tip of the iceberg
- Slower feedbacks / approvals
- Unknown priorities at client’s end
- Just doing it as a tasks (actually a lot of clients expects us to do so :))
Echo Meetings - The Project Review Process
Every project in the development stage undergoes bi-weekly reviews, with slower projects receiving monthly reviews. These sessions assess project timelines, open issues, team feedback, effort burn down, delivery milestones, and overall schedule.
These reviews provide clarity on the project’s current status and offer foresight into its immediate future.
- 100% transparent sharing of facts and current situation
- Review Efforts, and Project Delivery Milestones
- Review immediate forcast, plan and known risks that might just arrive.
Looping in Clients in the Review Process
We know an internal review gives us on side of the picture. However, successful offshore projects always require client attention, especially when you’re measuring success or failiure.
Identify Internal & External Risks Elements
With clients involved in such an evaluation, the team can also get to know some of the risks from client end too which generally are not shared initially.
To Ensure projects are on track and schedule
Planning based on current situation is more relevant than a plan that set from day 1 of the project - allowing adaptibility and practical approach.
Ensure entire development cycle is smooth
By ensuring the engineers and designers are the team on the ground, and when they have predictive results to produce, the quality becomes better.
Review meetings are NEVER ad-hoc. They’re always scheduled in advance and stakeholders are sent calendar invite well before the meeting occurs.
- Shared calendar with all key stakeholders
- Planned intimation of review session
- Prior notifications
- Summary of past review action items
Review Presentation
- Current State of the project
- Current stage of development
- Known Risks
- Dependencies
- Ask for recommendations
Reviewer Findings
A project reviewer – either client or a neutral reviewer has to submit their findings with a form to ensure they are captured and turned into action items.
- Overall feedback about team, and their way of working
- Your suggestions to improve the deliverables
- How we can make these presentations more productive and efficient
Moderator Review
A neutral moderator keeps an eye on if the meeting is executed properly and also jots down his/her findings in an evaluation form which is captured.
- Ensure review is done properly
- Done with appropriate detail about project
- Incorporating your feedback into deliverables
- Improve presentations based on your feedback