SEO updates 2016 – Core Algorithm Updates Continues by the Google still this Weekend

Last week was like Google Pandaโ€™s kung-fu and Google Penguin fly were in the news. Webmasters and SEOs around the world, keeping hawk eyes on the Google for updates on Google Penguin.

But, Gary Illyes did twit as per under,
โ€œ@AdilAdilrehman core algorithm. Not penguinโ€ โ€“ 3:17 AM โ€“ 18 Jan 2016.

We can say that the update will be on Google Core Algorithm. From past few weeks, search results most ticklish. Behavior of search results tells us the story behind the engine and almost all major webmasters noticed that.

Google clarified that it is not about Google Penguin but it is about core algorithm rankings. It will definitely Update Google Panda too with Core Ranking as now Google Panda is part of the Core Ranking Algorithm.

But he crux in the update is that , now onwards Google Panda Updates will be fast updates and frequent update.

To add with, the basic question is that what is meaning of that panda is in core? The Webmaster will try to find out exact answer to this question.

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